Why Trying Something New is Good For You
Jan 20, 2022

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Why Trying Something New is Good For You

When was the last time you tried something for the first time? Creating a life of healthy longevity starts with being willing to step out of your comfort zone and try something new. 

We don’t mean completely forgoing your daily routine, rather switch up your every day and opt for trying something you’ve always wanted to but never gave yourself the opportunity to do.

The Science Behind Trying New Things

shows that creating new experiences is very important and beneficial to our well-being. Did you know that when we experience something new whether it be places, people, food, or events our brain develops new neural pathways to handle each new situation? Talk about a superpower!

“There is a dedicated term for the desire to have new experiences: neophilia. Neophilia is a predictor of longevity because it turns out that people who seek out novel experiences live healthier, happier lives." - Wiley H.

Our brain reacts to new stimuli by releasing dopamine, and the midbrain area is activated which strengthens long-term memory and learning. So, not only is trying something new fun, but it can actually help strengthen your brain in the process. 

No matter the stage of life, our brains are geared towards novelty — we are naturally curious beings. The more new things you try, the more fulfilling your life becomes. 

Below are the many benefits to stepping out of your comfort zone and giving that one thing you’ve been itching to do a try!

Reasons Why Trying Something New is Good For You

It’s Healthy

First and foremost, trying new things is healthy for you. Not only does it enhance your mood and increase motivation, but it also has been proven to sharpen your focus, improve cognitive abilities, and increase creativity. 

Want to continue learning and stimulate your brain? Try to learn a new skill such as crocheting or chess! Your brain will thank you. Sanjay Gupta, MD even wrote an entire best-selling book on this subject titled,
Keep Sharp: how to Build a Better Brain at Any Age.

Experience More of Life

The mundane of everyday life can leave you feeling unsatisfied. Now is the time to experience the most out of life by finding new adventures that bring you new perspectives. You might even fall in love with a new hobby that you never thought you’d enjoy. Or, meet a new person that becomes a lifelong friend.

Take a car ride for example. Try taking a new route home and discovering the nuances of unique buildings, learn about the different
wild plants and foliage that you habitually pass by. Your mundane, everyday routine can become like a scavenger hunt of your surroundings.

Don’t limit yourself - experience the novelty that life has to offer and push your boundaries. 

Learn Likes & Dislikes

This may sound strange, but many people don’t have a solid reason for not liking something. Simply put, if you don’t try, how will you know? 

Do you like
Jai Alai? Have you ever seen it or played it? This often forgotten sport could be something to try and see if it sparks your interest!

Being open to trying new things that you may have thought you didn’t or wouldn’t like opens you up to a whole new world of possibilities and overall, makes you a more well-rounded person. Additionally, you will be able to accurately distinguish between what you like and dislike based on your own experience.

Create Lasting Memories

Trying something new, especially with other people can create a bank of memories to look back on and reminisce about with friends and family. We only have one life to live, why not make it filled with memories of adventures? 

Even if it wasn’t a great experience, it’ll make a great story to tell and laugh about. Make a lasting memory today that your tomorrow self will be grateful for.

Consider reading this book,
“The Year of Yes”  for added inspiration. Author Shonda Rhymes gives an entire account of how saying “yes” positively changed her life.

Overcome Your Fears

We all have fears in life, whether it be a fear of spiders or a fear of meeting new people. Everyone is scared of something, however, one of the greatest benefits of trying something new is the opportunity to overcome a certain fear and leave feeling accomplished. 

Once you do beat a fear, you may realize that the experience wasn’t as bad as you made it out to be in your head. That’s the thing with fears - they are magnified in your mind. Want to squash it? Give it a try! You might discover a new talent in
poetry writing or maybe it just isn’t for you, but you didn’t allow fear to get in the way giving it a solid try.

Try Something New Today

Being open to new experiences is good for you and has many lasting physical, emotional, and mental
benefits. It can be as simple as trying a new restaurant down the street or making a new friend in yoga class. Or, you can challenge yourself to learn a new instrument or pick up a new hobby such as painting or photography. 

The world is your oyster when it comes to experiencing something new. The options are endless. It starts with you taking a step outside your comfort zone and being open to a new adventure. The time is now! What are you waiting for?

Give this
song a listen for a little motivation! 

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